Jenn Koss Photography

Public-Private Partnerships

Building Public-Private Partnerships to End Human Trafficking

TAT brings together the transportation and energy industries with law enforcement and government agencies to develop and strengthen public-private partnerships, where collective efforts amplify impact and create lasting change in the fight against human trafficking.

There is tremendous value in collaborating with [TAT] to co-host the event in our area. It presented a unique opportunity to foster public-private partnerships, to avail ourselves of TAT’s innovative online training platform, and, ultimately, to expand our strategic eyes and ears network in the fight against human trafficking.

TAT Coalition Builds

TAT Coalition Builds (CBs) establish effective and sustainable working relationships between industry leaders and law enforcement on a federal, state/provincial and local level to combat human trafficking. They also inspire decision makers at trucking companies, truck stop companies, energy companies, bus companies, public transit agencies, school districts, trade associations, government agencies and law enforcement agencies to act, while equipping them with the practical tools they need to become force multipliers in the anti-human trafficking movement.

CBs start as half-day events co-hosted by law enforcement, government and industry stakeholders. Attendees receive training on human trafficking, hear a presentation from a survivor-leader, learn about human trafficking cases that have been investigated and prosecuted in their area, find out how to access and utilize TAT’s niche-specific training resources, and receive a commitment from TAT to providing free, ongoing consultation on implementing anti-trafficking initiatives at their organization.

Task Force Engagement

TAT facilitates connections between industry stakeholders and their state/provincial or local anti-trafficking task forces and coalitions.

TAT works to build strategic resources and pathways for public-private partnerships that work within the existing infrastructure in a state to fight human trafficking. Human trafficking task forces play an important role in fostering a cohesive and organized resistance against traffickers. To ensure robust participation by transportation and energy stakeholders, TAT helps industry leaders get involved with the task forces in their region, while equipping task forces with the resources necessary for outreach and awareness campaigns within their communities.

Kelley Alsobrook and officer at a Coalition Build
Denver, Colorado, February 2024
People listen at a Coalition Build
Baltimore, Maryland, August 2019
Florida Attorney General speaks at a Coalition Build
Orlando, Florida, November 2019
Liz and the Dimmit County Sheriff's Department
Carrizo Springs, Texas, October 2023
Sara speaking at Coalition Build
Green Bay, Wisconsin, March 2024
Jenn Koss Photography
Calgary Coalition Build panel
Calgary, Alberta, November 2023
Sara speaking at Nashville Coalition Build
Nashville, Tennessee, July 2023
Jose Sanchez, Clee Buckaloo, and JT Stevens at a Coalition Build
Midland, Texas, March 2024
Angela Nordman at the Bemidji Coalition Build
Bemidji, Minnesota, June 2021
Law Enforcement outside Freedom Drivers Project
Sioux City, Iowa, October 2015
Law enforcement at the Maryland Coalition Build
Baltimore, Maryland, August 2019
Kelley Alsobrook and officer at a Coalition Build
People listen at a Coalition Build
Florida Attorney General speaks at a Coalition Build
Liz and the Dimmit County Sheriff's Department
Sara speaking at Coalition Build
Calgary Coalition Build panel
Sara speaking at Nashville Coalition Build
Jose Sanchez, Clee Buckaloo, and JT Stevens at a Coalition Build
Angela Nordman at the Bemidji Coalition Build
Law Enforcement outside Freedom Drivers Project
Law enforcement at the Maryland Coalition Build

Coalition Builds in 42 states and 4 provinces

Impact Reports

TAT Coalition Builds create pathways for strategic engagement as stakeholders come together to leverage their networks in the fight against human trafficking. View the impact report from each Coalition Build.