Why Give?

TAT is leading change in the fight against human trafficking in systems, policies and corporate culture. We are empowering industry members to discover and disrupt human trafficking networks, and it’s working.

Join us in driving this change! When you partner with TAT, your contribution strengthens our financial foundation and increases our capacity to expand this critical work of ending human trafficking for good.

Donate Now

Looking for corporate sponsorship opportunities for your organization? Visit the corporate sponsors page to learn more.

Ways to Give

There are many ways that you can make a personal contribution to our work and help further sustain our ability to save lives and combat trafficking.

Send a Check

ACH or Wire Transfer

Donor Advised Funds

Employer Match

IRA Rollover

Charitable Bequest

Appreciated Stock

You can send a check to:

TAT (Truckers Against Trafficking)
PO Box 816
Englewood, CO 80151

If you choose to make a gift by ACH or wire transfer, please get in touch with us to alert us of your gift and obtain our bank ACH, wire and account numbers. The donor name is not always included with the transfer, and contacting TAT will also ensure proper gift acknowledgment.

Questions? Contact us at bookkeeper@tatnonprofit.org or (612) 888-4828.

TAT accepts gifts made through Donor Advised Funds (DAFs). DAFs allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive a tax deduction when the gift is made, and then recommend gifts from that fund over time. If your DAF is set up through Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or BNY Mellon, you may use DAF Direct to make your contribution.

TAT’s EIN number is 45-2696572.

Questions? Contact us at bookkeeper@tatnonprofit.org or (612) 888-4828.

Many companies have matching gift programs for charitable contributions made by employees. Maximize the impact of your dollars by finding out if your employer matches charitable gifts.

Questions? Contact us at bookkeeper@tatnonprofit.org or (612) 888-4828.

If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a tax-smart gift to support TAT with a rollover directly from your IRA. Contact your IRA custodian to obtain the qualified charitable distribution or QCD form. On the form, specify the amount to be transferred to TAT, identify TAT by its full legal name (Truckers Against Trafficking) and include TAT’s tax ID number, 45-2696572.

The IRA plan custodian should make the check payable to TAT and mail it to:

Attn: Susan Dold
PO Box 816
Englewood, CO 80151

Please instruct the IRA plan custodian to reference your name and address on the check. Otherwise, it may be difficult to identify that you are the donor when the check arrives.

Questions? Contact us at bookkeeper@tatnonprofit.org or (612) 888-4828.

Including a gift in your will or living trust is a powerful way to create a lasting legacy. You can specify a particular dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or the remainder after other provisions are fulfilled. If you have named TAT in your will or trust, please get in touch with us so we can ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes.

Questions? Contact us at bookkeeper@tatnonprofit.org or (612) 888-4828.

Support TAT’s work by making a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. A gift of appreciated securities provides significant benefits, including an immediate charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock and avoidance of capital gains taxes that would normally be due upon sale. Please get in touch with us for stock transfer instructions.

Questions? Contact us at bookkeeper@tatnonprofit.org or (612) 888-4828.

Benefits of Giving

Giving to a cause you care about is its own reward, but we wish to express our gratitude to those who invest in this work alongside us by offering an array of donor benefits. Download the flyer with this information or view it below.

Freedom Driver














Friend of TAT


Listing in TAT’s annual report

Listing in TAT’s monthly newsletter

TAT pin

Induction into the TAT Leadership Circle

Invitation to attend a Coalition Build

Listing on the TAT website and Facebook page

Name listed during TAT presentations

Invitation to an FDP event

Profile feature in TAT’s newsletter

Thank-you dinner with the TAT executive director, Esther Goetsch

Profile feature in TAT’s annual report

Invitation to a virtual annual report event with recognition

Freedom Driver ($100,000+)

  • Listing in TAT’s annual report
  • Listing in TAT’s monthly newsletter
  • TAT pin
  • Induction into the TAT Leadership Circle
  • Invitation to attend a Coalition Build
  • Listing on the TAT website and Facebook page
  • Name listed during TAT presentations
  • Invitation to an FDP event
  • Profile feature in TAT’s newsletter
  • Thank-you dinner with the TAT executive director, Esther Goetsch
  • Profile feature in TAT’s annual report
  • Invitation to a virtual annual report event with recognition

Diamond ($50,000+)

  • Listing in TAT’s annual report
  • Listing in TAT’s monthly newsletter
  • TAT Pin
  • Induction into the TAT Leadership Circle
  • Invitation to attend a Coalition Build
  • Listing on the TAT website and Facebook page
  • Name listed during TAT presentations
  • Invitation to an FDP event
  • Profile feature in TAT’s  newsletter
  • Thank-you dinner with the TAT executive director, Esther Goetsch

Platinum ($25,000+)

  • Listing in TAT’s annual report
  • Listing in TAT’s monthly newsletter
  • TAT Pin
  • Induction into the TAT Leadership Circle
  • Invitation to attend a Coalition Build
  • Listing on the TAT website and Facebook page
  • Name listed during TAT presentations
  • Invitation to an FDP event

Gold ($10,000+)

  • Listing in TAT’s annual report
  • Listing in TAT’s monthly newsletter
  • TAT Pin
  • Induction into the TAT Leadership Circle
  • Invitation to attend a Coalition Build
  • Listing on the TAT website and Facebook page
  • Name listed during TAT presentations

Silver ($5,000+)

Bronze ($2,500+)

Copper ($1,000+)

Friend of TAT ($350+)

All donations and the according benefits are considered active for one year. All monies are in USD.

We are grateful for the support of each donor who furthers this work through their generosity, and we encourage our donors to learn more about our fiscal responsibility on our financials page.

While we are thankful for all of our donors, we’d like to recognize the following individuals for their substantial gifts:

Gold Donors

Jonathan and Jill Lim

Andy and Karin Larsen

Anne and Merlin Namuth

Silver Donors

Scott and Terry Koch

Karin and Andy Larsen

Karin and Andy Larsen

Silver Level Donors

We give to TAT, because the work they do is life-changing and impactful. They are equipping and empowering the transportation industry and drivers with the education and knowledge needed to save lives. And their work reminds us that every single life matters.

Dan Dykstra

Dan Dykstra

Copper Level Donor

My wife and I have two daughters, and we have been blessed to watch them grow physically, mentally and emotionally, developing their own unique personalities and perspectives on the world. It’s a great comfort to know they are protected and safe. And yet, we also know that there are girls out there who are robbed of their innocence and hope on a daily basis … and that’s staggering. 

No one should have to endure that level of despair at such a young age. For this reason, we support Truckers Against Trafficking, and we appreciate every trucker who is involved in their cause. They’ve mobilized an amazing group of people, who, through something as small as a window sticker and a phone number, can extend a hand and tell a young girl that she’s safe here. Truckers Against Trafficking isn’t just helping girls — they’re restoring hope … and that’s a mission we’re proud to support. Keep up the great work!

John Esparza

John Esparza

Friend of TAT

I support TAT, because we simply cannot and will not turn a blind eye to the epidemic of human trafficking in this country. So long as pimps prey on truck stops, we will be right here working to do our part to educate every truck driver on the road to know exactly what to look for. Awareness training simply saves lives.

Dewayne and Becky Jennings

Dewayne and Becky Jennings

Silver Level Donors

We support TAT because they are doing such an important job helping the victims of human trafficking, as well as educating not only truck drivers but other about this horrific crime. We believe that God has called all of us to help these women and children. We can’t physically help to get them out of a horrible situation, but we can offer support for those who can. We believe in what TAT stands for and the great work they do.

Grayling Klunker

Grayling Klunker

Copper Level Donor

As an actual trucker against trafficking, I am so proud to support the organization who made me aware of this horrific crime and the ways I personally can put an end to it.