Activate your supply chain for social good.

Truck drivers are the eyes and ears of the highways, roadways and communities. As this mobile army is in a critical position to recognize and report human trafficking, the shippers and manufacturers who employ or contract with trucking carriers to move their products have a unique role to play in ensuring their fleets receive human trafficking training.

Furthering their sustainability goals and their commitment to corporate social responsibility, companies can leverage their purchasing power to enhance awareness about human trafficking. By encouraging or requiring their carriers to receive TAT training, shippers and manufacturers are expanding their impact in the fight to end human trafficking.


people trained on how to recognize and report human trafficking.

TAT’s shipping partners engage their carriers, use their influence to expand TAT’s reach and expand anti-trafficking awareness throughout the trucking industry.

Train your private fleet using TAT’s free resources.

TAT’s training resources – including videos, wallet cards, an app, toolkit, window decals, etc. – are free of charge and specially designed for the trucking industry. View the trailers to TAT’s training videos for the trucking industry:

Urge your carriers to train using TAT’s free resources.

TAT provides guidance to companies on ways they can encourage or require their carriers to TAT Train, including through sample RFP questions, email templates and other resource tools. TAT also welcomes opportunities to present (virtually or in-person) to your carrier base.

Access our Shipping and Logistics Toolkit for more information and best practices.

Establish an internal anti-human trafficking policy.

Companies should implement a policy to ensure they are not complicit in any practice that may constitute human trafficking or modern-day slavery. A robust policy also serves an important preventative measure, because it addresses the demand for labor exploitation and commercial sex which feeds this crime.

Contact TAT to get started.

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TAT in Action

Professional truck driver Kevin Kimmel pulled into a truck stop to take a break. He was filling out his paperwork when he noticed suspicious activity around an RV in the lot. After seeing a young woman try to stick her head out the window and have it violently snapped back, Kevin called 911.

When officers arrived on the scene, a state trooper took the young woman aside and she began to cry. She told the trooper she was being held against her will and had been abused sexually and physically by the suspects. She also said the suspects threatened to kill or injure her family. She had infections all over her body and was severely malnourished. The young woman received medical attention and was reunited with her family. The perpetrators were arrested and sentenced to 40 and 41 years in prison for sex trafficking and related charges.

In 2015, TAT awarded Kevin Kimmel with its prestigious Harriet Tubman Award.

Get your company involved today!

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