The USDOT Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking (ACHT), established by Charter in 2018, convenes to create a triennial counter-trafficking report for the Secretary of Transportation with recommendations for countering human trafficking, an assessment of best practices by transportation stakeholders, and human trafficking violations involving commercial motor vehicles. The 15 members appointed for each ACHT represent a cross-section of stakeholders from both industry and labor, including representatives from the aviation, bus, law enforcement, maritime, port, rail and trucking sectors. TAT has been privileged to be named to the committee both times it has convened, with Esther Goetsch, TAT’s executive director, serving as ACHT co-chair for the 2023-2024 term.
The 2024 Report: Preventing and Addressing Human Trafficking in the Transportation Sector covers legislation, leadership and funding, policies and reporting, partnerships, training and awareness, research, data and information-sharing, and victim and survivor support, along with recommendations for what next steps should be taken to strengthen and expand efforts against this crime. TAT training, materials, resources and initiatives are mentioned numerous times throughout the report. To read the report, click here.